Thursday, March 29, 2012

Song Obsession: Rumour Has It

Honestly, I liked Adele better when I thought she was black. Still, this one is awesome everytime.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Perfect Song for a Haircut Mmm, Don'tcha Think?

This entire album has a that awesome "Today is a New Day" feel. Don't you agree?
You don't?
Well you should.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I Can't Find It.

I'm trying to remember. I know it's there. When you actually feel Quiet. Which song is that? I feel as if I don't want to do anything but listen to this song, but which one is it? There is a small part at the top of your stomach that you don't realize is full until one day it's empty. You feel like regretting something but you haven't a clue what. And you sigh a lot. For no reason. You even ask yourself "what was that sigh for?" But you hear the right song and the things go away.
Where is the Song for when you feel quiet?